
Victorian Health Governance model


Victoria's Health Service Governance Model


Package Options

Foundations package

Whole board capability review based on tailored questionnaire matched to Health Director’s Toolkit for Victorian Health Service Boards, incorporating:

  1. Phone/video conference with Board Chair and CEO to clarify needs, expectations, and access to Board resources,

  2. Questionnaire designed to enable board members to draw on key board resources through their board portal or information systems, allowing for an easy user experience with accurate and helpful information,

  3. Report summarising the findings, including a summary of skills and diversity with recommendations for governance, and future Board recruitment.


Foundation plus Board development plan

“A why without how has little probability of success” (Sinek)

The Board Development Plan based on:

  1. A two to three-hour workshop (face to face or by video) with the board and CEO, informed by the findings and recommendations associated with the whole board capability development review,

  2. A consultation draft and opportunity for feedback by email or phone,

  3. A final draft for Board approval,

  4. Ongoing follow up by email and or phone, supporting and tracking progress over 12 months.


Individual Board Director self-assessment and development plans

Our individual director and board/team development work is heavily influenced by Marcus Buckingham and the ADP Research Institute and, as such, is highly contemporary, and evidence based.

Our process understands that people can reliably rate their own experience. Buckingham’s research suggests that 60% of any appraisal type feedback is about the rater, not the person being rated, and as such 180 and 360 type appraisals can be misleading. Rather self-assessment is the most useful and even more so when it relates to engagement, strengths, and skills.

The Director self-assessment and capability plan includes:

  1. An engagement, board skills and strengths utilisation self-assessment.

  2. One to one session over the phone or by video to discuss results and to draft a development plan.

  3. Drafting the development plan

  4. A follow up, coaching/support session to finalise the plan involving the Board Chair.


Board Chair self-assessment and development plan including board member engagement / check in approach.

  1. A self-assessment, based on the role description.

  2. One to one session over the phone or by video to discuss results and to draft a development plan.

  3. Up to two, follow up, one to one, coaching support sessions via video or phone.

  4. Email and phone support for the duration of the engagement.



For more information send us an email